Friday, September 01, 2006


It all started when I got a message from my friend, asking me to report a community on orkut called " We Hate India " bogus. I did what anyone else would - went to the community page with every intention of doing as he said, when I noticed something pretty interesting on the discussion forum - two threads saying members were unjoining. On getting into it, 3 pakistanis struck me - one for his totally rational attitude, and the other two previously rabid India haters who were now convinced that their attitude was not correct. I had since started scrapping these guys and had them on my friend list. Since then, I have been lambasted by "patriots", and one of these guys was insulted by rabid fanatics in atrocious terms - It is disgusting to find sane men talking of a persons mother and sister on a public forum and these guys, in my opinion deserve to face criminal charges. My friend reacted by putting up a picture of an Indian flag burning and rejoined that community. To his credit, he has not retaliated to a single Indian scrap. If we educated people behave in this barbaric fashion, what is the hope for the future? Is this kind of ridiculous jingoism the solutions? Are these the "real" Indians? In a rapidly shrinking world how can two countries be propelled by such hatred?

- Hari

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