Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Opinionated ‘Others’:

Is this a very old fashioned mode of thinking – To be bothered about what others think of us ?
Personally, I feel so.
But, I have been brought up this way. - to take decisions at every stage depending on what others will think of me. Be it the choosing of Science Stream, or deciding to be an Engineer. But somewhere down the line I have got really frustrated – especially in not being able to do things that I really wanted to do just because of ‘others’. And its not like these invisible commentators are going to see you through till you stop breathing!
I feel that the biggest liability for anyone is a ‘sensitive’ nature. Trust me, because I do have one. It is a problem, mainly because, not everyone else around us is considerate about the feelings of others. Not too many people really care about what effect their words have – they say things just for the heck of it – to say SOMETHING. And it becomes a huge problem if we give ear to all these loose talks.
Now, I am just cursing myself for having grown up to be so sensitive. But of course it is not like as if I really change myself to suit other’s views. This makes things even tougher – Its like as if I am saying – ‘I’ll not change just because someone else is asking me to do so, but although I don’t respect their views, I want them to think highly of me’! I also know that this is not possible – but still am weak enough to yearn for this!I really have no clear idea of what I want to express in this article. I think I would like to encourage people to not be like me – to not bring up their children like this

- Chandrika


Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.