Saturday, December 16, 2006

Feminism.........Equality or Female Chauvinism

Disclaimer: This is a direct response to articles posted on the blogsite And most quotes are taken dierectly from various posts on the site. Further, I DO NOT hate women, neither do I wish to boil, butcher or in any way harm them. I also do not think that such extreme measures do ANYONE any good whatsoever. At the same time, while I believe in women's EQUALITY and am strongly against discrimination of any form (not just sexual), I recognize that there are fundamental differences between men and women that can never be bridged. I further believe that people who do not recognize these differences are delusional, irrational, warped and insane. (Author of above blog for instance)

As a sane but red blooded male I have always thought feminism referred to the struggle for women's RIGHT's or EQUALITY. And as any SANE human being would think, I do not think boiling blood and anger would help at all. My friend Diwakar, who is an ardent feminist pointed out this blog to me and I was shocked to see these extreme views. Equality is the inalienable right of EVERY HUMAN BEING. And equality does not mean boiling men. The author of the blog who thinks that a girl can only be a girlfriend or an enemy is DELUDED. In fact these militant madame's give womankind a bad name. If chauvinism of the male kind is to be abhorred, so is female chauvinism. What has started as a struggle for the right to vote has deteriorated into militant bullshit. The author of the blogsite forgets that without her FATHER'S semen she would not be here to lambast men today.

Unfortunately in struggles for equality, the opressed ften think, that they have the right to play victim and demand "rights" that violate the very spirit of equality. To suggest that 33.33% reservation in parliament for women in parliament would solve all problems is ludicruous and anti-constitutional. Unfortunate most feminists only want such sops to appease their offended feelings. The banner of feminism is being often taken up by women just to cause a furore as they know these female gladiators would be behind them, if only they are able to suggest a sense of wrongdoing. In a book called corporate draupadi, the authoress claims she was sexually harassed by her company (HMT, I think), as she was dismissed unfairly. Of course she forgets the fact that she was dismissed for playing about with the cash. She is also unsurprisingly silent on the sex card when she reveals that she was hired in spite of not having the qualifications for the job!! In another book, women in prisons, the authoress suggests that these bandits who have been punished by the law are heroines. When a man chops up his wife for infedility he should be hung, but when a women kills a drunken lout of her husband, she deserves a presidents meda. The most warped story relates to a girl married to a drunk. She admits that her mother in law is a gem of a lady (A liquor baroness but anyway.........) the hubby assaults the girl's parent's and our pudhumai penn (modern lady), kills her.........get this...........kills her MOTHER IN LAW. WOW!!. Obviously she languishes in jail, while ravaging feminists try to get her out (and wreck havoc with the chopper again, I guess.)

Even worse is the media in promoting the causes of these female saviours. Movies like Sweth (White Rainbow) depicts India in such a way that one would think every widow in India is being tortured, tormented and sexually harassed by the men in the country. Blarney. Such irresponsible depictions only promote these unworthy causes. Yes, widows are being opressed but rather than make such shock-value movies that the psuedo intellectual would weep over, and go home happy that he saw a "meaningful movie", surely a better thing to do would be to silently help such causes wherever they are found. It is disgusting to see such movies depicting scenes like this as if they are reality. And even when real, to depict them as if they are the norm and not the exception.

But back to the topic of female chauvinism, isn't it ridiculous that chauvinism be fought with more intolerance and chauvinism. And it is not as if these females can say they are the voice of womankind. In an orkut community on feminism, when the authoress of the above blog spewed her venom, it was interesting to say that quite a few women felt her ideas were out of line. When one lady went so far as to say she thought her father was a decent man, our fire breathing athoress quickly rebuked her for these "Anti woman sentiments". A number of women do want to simply settle down and marry a man. There is nothing wrong with this. They have the RIGHT to do so. Such perverted feminists have no business coming down on these people, and saying they are traitors. In fact that is a line ecen a chauvinist would not take.

And of course where would an article on feminism be without the sex part? If these gladiators think that every man is lusting behind her, she is sadly mistaken. On the other hand to say that casual flirting is eve teasing and ask that the man be boiled is dumb, and quite frankly nothing to do with feminism (More to do with homosexual tendencies). From time immmemorial, men and women have been mating. Men do try to "make out" with women and vice versa. In fact the pattern of males and females getting together is, I believe, the norm for every species in the world that is not a hermophrodite. For those who think that it is wrong for a man to try to impress a girl or vice versa I strongly suggest a few sessions with a shrink, followed by some serious introspection as to your sexual preferences.

In short, feminism is NOT Female Chauvinism. Equality for one is NOT the supression of rights for another. And boiling the male or female species does no one no good.

- Hari


Diwakar said...

hi hari..
please donot try to garnish your confused ideas with your writing. These are mere comments and is nothing against you. just against your thoughts. Let me list down some of your confused ideas...
1. you have right to comment about any author's thought but have nothing to make a personal comment about the author.
2.just by quoting some book, you can't make a generalised statement. I can quote hundreds of books that takes the side of male chauvinists in return.
3. the citations of yours is confusing.Anyway it shows that your are confused as well (personal comment)
4.About "Shweth": I think you more bothered about the way India is projected to others rather than understanding the underlying truth. I personally pity you.
Ofcourse for people who are praising the "commercial masala Movies" will find these kind of movies a Pseudo intellectual stuff.
5. "A number of women do want to simply settle down and marry a man."... height of insanity.
6. Regarding "flirting and Mating"- unbearable way of justifying all unlawful activities.
7. Finally, a mismatching last sentence.

I personally comment this writeup as mere concoction of words with quagmire thoughts.


Falstaff2006 said...

To diwakar
-1. Ok. Granted
2. Good. Pl do
3. If citations are confusing to YOU then probably YOU are confused, not me
4. I feel so sorry that you pity me. Spare your pity for your widows
5. Marrying and settling down - insanity???? I pity YOU
6. Flirting and mating unlawful???? I refer you to a shrink etc. etc.
7. Your grammer is awful

Over to you, buddy

- hari

Diwakar said...

just see how confusing you are?
Just have a look at your 5 & 6th replies.. you are unable to discern my comments and your thoughts.

Here for your sake, i am explaining it to you
5. Height of insanity - this is the comment for your thought. I quoted your statement again. Please understand that first.
6. Again, i never meant flirting and mating are unlawful. You are justfying are unlawful activites with your statements.
7. Thanks a lot for projecting my grammatical flaws.


Falstaff2006 said...

To diwakar
Words of wisdom - East is East and West is West, and ne'er the twain shall meet.

I hardly need to discern comments or thoughts. My line of thought is pretty straight forward to people with a good comprehension of the english lexicon and an open mind. if you find my comments confusing, pl check the succiciency criterions.

- hari

Diwakar said...

to hari
Thanks once again.

I dont have a closed mind. You still cant accept that your replies had big flaws. Anyway not my problem. Not worth arguing with a person who can't accept comments.

Bye for you and your write up.

Falstaff2006 said...

To Diwakar
- I am extremely wary of comments that resemble
:I am NOT an alsoholic
:I am NOT addicted
:I wasn't me who did it
:I am NOT mad
:I do NOT have a closed mind, et al.

I do NOT accept my rationale had flaws, as you have NOT pointed them out to me.

Now, go to bed is way past ur bed time.


Diwakar said...

just see how confusing you are?
Just have a look at your 5 & 6th replies.. you are unable to discern my comments and your thoughts.

Here for your sake, i am explaining it to you
5. Height of insanity - this is the comment for your thought. I quoted your statement again. Please understand that first.
6. Again, i never meant flirting and mating are unlawful. You are justfying are unlawful activites with your statements.
7. Thanks a lot for projecting my grammatical flaws.


Deepan Kannan said...

Mr. Hari,
I never knew that u r such a perverted creature on earth! Dont u try to atleast respect others? What kind of a person are u? I was able to understand that u need a shrink's help when I met u few times in Chennai but I never knew that u condition has worsened further after u left India! I found out ur basic cheap character when I met u last time at Sathyam Cinemas while we were trying to watch that awful movie "Click". The way you behaved with that poor woman who was standing guard at the entrance, There, I identified those "abnormal rays" on your face. I think u can be cured if u could get the medical help as soon as possible. Dont get excited again Har! This would not help u! See what kind of a person would say such things like "Role of father's semen in a child's birth" on a blog like this! U are a pervert! U are a sexist! U neither know the meaning of "Male Chauvinism" nor the meaning of "Feminism". U are one among those stupid lot called "MEN" who thinks feminism to be "Female Chauvinism". Before u raise ur voice, get a clear perception of whatever u r going to speak against. The blog u have writen aganst us would not deter us from writing against male chauvinists and perverts like u! It just makes us more strong! By writing such nonsense u have shamed urself!

Anonymous said...

To Deepan.

Behavedf to a poor woman...Sorry.....have no idea what u r prattling about.
"Abnormal rays"......R u NUTS???
Your comments are heardly worth any reply as far as I go.
There is only one point I would like to make.......You say I equate feminism and female open ur eyes and read what i have to say in the end....i clearly distinguish the two. Rather than make rabid attacks on a person, try to answer what I have to say

- hari

Anonymous said...

Deepan... first read thro Hari''s blog. Its very clear that he too means the same... get ur eyes checked first and i shall then recommend u to a good psychiatrist.. But the eyes first.. ok... And if it doesnt work.. then may be u shud try a few doctors in Mumbai who are specialists in your case....

For the sake of all ur beloved female friends, stop using the word "feminism" for female chauvnism.. And dare not comment on anybody's looks and nature.. And if u cud know a person in a single meeting and a blog, then I know what u are...!!

And dont bother replying to this.. and wasting ur precious time, which otherwise, I suppose wud be used into the development of FEMALE CHAUVNISM...!!

Diwakar said...

To koushik & anandh

So you could make out about people in few meetings and blogs? What made you to put forward your view of suggesting a mumbai doctor to deepan? Do you know him that well? (As far as I know, it is not the case). Stop these double standards.

Why the hell do gays come into picture? When two people write a comment together no one will think you both are gays. If so, you are higly mistaken.

- Diwakar

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